Monday, January 20, 2014

(Michifus) Humble beginnings and mission statement

For a while now, Pietart and I have discussed the idea of starting a website dedicated to #teamswag and our adventures in Magic the Gathering.

Our thought process was that by writing about Magic and creating content related to playing, we would hone our focus on what was happening in our games, what we did well, what we could have done differently, and allowing for our teammates and others to provide commentary and criticism.

Beyond being a review of what HAS happened, we're also excited as using this as a platform to think about the future. Be that in deck brews, set reviews, or any other aspect of the game, we're looking forward to writing about what could happen and where the game grows from here.

With that said and those loose goals, we're looking to see how this grows in a very organic fashion, shaped by what interests us and what type of content we would like to produce.

Anyway, thanks for checking us out and we hope you find something enjoyable or informative while you're here!

-- Michifus

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